Sean Wilson

sean wilson profilebeautifully present frittata with roasted tomatoes and basil on top


Actor - Artist - Writer - Cheese Producer
DOB: 04-04-1965

Leicestershire and Essex based

1980 - aged 16 pass A Level Art- Grade B for London University Board exam
1983/4 - Helped Dave Vaughan- Famous Manchester mural artist and Father to Sadie Frost with projects
1985 - Joined Coronation Street cast as character “Martin Platt”
2000 - Do pencil portraits of some of Coronation Street cast
2005 - Leave Coronation Street having been involved in storylines attracting 20m viewers on a regular basis
2005 - Filming for Dalziel and Pascoe
2006 - Filming for Silent Witness
2006 - Filming for Casualty
2009 - Worked as chef at Northcote Manor, Michelin restaurant
2009 - Open Artisan Farm Cheese Company
2010 - Start re-visiting National Gallery/Portrait Gallery and Courtauld Building in London-The Met in New York
2012 - Present and write book accompanying my C5 series: “The Great Northern Cookbook”- 1m viewers per episode
2018 - Pick up brushes again and study portraits
2018 - Find a love of Rembrandt and John Singer Sergeant’s work and study portraits further
2018 - Follow New York wall art scene with gathering interest
2018 - Start a full re-visit of artwork with a series of pieces on the theme of “Reflection”
2019 - Continue work on transparencies in oil- for portraiture
2020 - Start turning out work of quality in Pastel, Oil, Pencil and Acrylics
2020 - Finish series on “Reflection”
2021 - Write “Cheddar Gorged” book- for Great Northern Books, to be released Autumn 2022 Start “Jazz” series of Acrylics and pen work
2022 - Start fusing acrylics and oil in portraits

Start full time writing and painting for “Jazzfood” book fusing food, music, art and poetry for Rachel Cooke Publishing.